
Browse Through Our Episodes

Everything3p Episode 14: Amazon Shut Down My Site – What Do I Do?

In this episode, we discuss the importance of keeping up to date on Amazon communications and what you can do in the event your storefront is shut down because...

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Everything3p Episode 14: An Authorized Distributor Told Me I Can Sell – Why is the Brand Told Me I Can’t?!

In this episode we discuss the disconnects that happen between brands and distributors that can lead to a headache as 3Ps sell their products on ecommerce platforms.

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Everything3p Episode 13: When Does the 1st Sales Doctrine Not Apply

So you’ve received a communication asking for you to stop the sale of product. You claim you have every right to sell under the “1st Sales Doctrine”. In this...

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Everything3p Episode 12: Arbitrage and 3rd Parties

So you’re a 3rd party and received a great deal on product. Things are running smoothly and then you receive a notice from the brand to cease and desist...

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Everything3p Episode 11: What We Learned in 2021

We welcome Denise Mostellar to the team and discuss the trends we saw in 2021 and its implications in 2022. Great insights derived from working with brands and 3rd...

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Episode 9: I Thought I Was Authorized to Sell on E-Commerce Sites!

In this episode, our guest 3P owner, Rick thought he was authorized to sell products over various e-commerce platforms after being told by a brand representative that he could....

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8: Episode 8: Christine Gable – Journey of Building a Successful 3P Business

Christine Gable is the Founder and CEO of Beech Tree Trading, a successful 3P seller whose passion is helping other businesses connect with Amazon. Christine shares what she has...

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Organizational Communication and 3rd Party Impact – Episode 7

Learn how organizational communications and dynamics can impact you as a 3rd party seller.

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Types of Notices You May Receive – Episode 6

At one point in selling on eCommerce, you may have received a notice. Perhaps it was a Cease and Desist letter, a MAP violation, or other. In this episode,...

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5: A Rookies Perspective

In this episode, we learn about channel compliance and 3rd party selling from the perspective of a person new to the industry and the lessons learned in the journey....

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How to Work With Distributors

Do you ever have mixups in what you can sell or not on e-commerce because of communication gaps between you and your distributors. In this episode we explain some...

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